Empowering Customers to Drive Change with Utility Companies

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After recently spending time with many of the nation’s energy companies – large and small – one theme is consistent: a genuine desire to help each and every customer.

Retailers have definitely raised the bar on creating exceptional customer experiences. Energy customers now demand the same treatment from their utilities. No longer content to be referred to as a ‘meter’, customers want options and want their energy company to listen. The good news – the industry is listening.

Technology is enabling energy companies to get personal with their customers. From phone apps to easy to navigate web sites, customers are able to not only view account information – but also take action. Payments, budget billing, and even chat tools allow customers to take care of business easily.

What to do when technology doesn’t work for all customers? Send a mobile unit into the community. Armed with trained and professional employees, payment tools, documents, and language options, it’s putting a human face to the energy company – and helping to bring solutions to customers’ lives.

Customers also want to be informed on what’s happening. Social media and blogs keep customers informed about energy assistance programs, weather threats, energy efficiency programs, and emergency procedures. Community involvement furthers the human connection by contributing to activities to enhance the well-being in that community. Once again, putting a human face to the energy company.

Outbound phone calls, emails, chat, and text options provide updates on payment reminders, balance, energy assistance programs, and mobile unit schedule. Options that allow customers to not only be informed – but also take action.

Energy companies are building a reputation as a caring, flexible industry focused on its customers’ needs and actively finding solutions. It’s an exciting time to be part of this industry.

Deb Cogan is Vice President of Strategic Solutions at Radius Global SolutionsDeb Cogan is Vice President of Strategic Solutions at Radius Global Solutions. She has over twenty-five (25) years of experience working with utilities in the customer care and call center industry. She was previously the Vice President of Operations for a large BPO’s First Party Division, where she specialized in process management improvement, customer engagement, and employee satisfaction. Deb works with our clients to develop customized solutions to meet program goals and collaborate with internal teams to create effective work standards – always with a strong emphasis on the customer and the customer experience.


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